Home & Garden Information Center
Asparagus spears are a delicious early spring vegetable.Barbara H. Smith, ©2017 HGIC, Clemson Extension
Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) is a hardy perennial that is native to the Mediterranean. Once the plants are established, they will provide delicious spears every spring. Although asparagus takes two to three years to begin production, it will be highly productive for seven to eight years before gradually declining.
Bed Preparation
Choose a site for a permanent asparagus bed that has good drainage and full sun. Plan accordingly as the tall ferns of asparagus may shade other plants. Bed preparation is best done in the fall. Enrich the soil with additions of compost or leaf mold at the rate of 20% by volume.
Follow the results of a soil test to maintain a soil pH between 6.0 a...